How to Guides
Scales guide
if you're new to the world of dollhouse miniatures, one of the first things you need to know is miniature scales. Miniature scales are the modelling scale that compares the size of the miniature to the size of a real-life object.
1:12 scale, - One inch in miniature is the same as One foot in real life.
So, a 6-inch doll would be the same as a 6-foot human and an 8-inch tree would be the same as an 8-foot tall real life tree.
So, a 6-inch doll would be the same as a 6-foot human and an 8-inch tree would be the same as an 8-foot tall real life tree.
1:24 scale, the size is cut in half so a 1/2 inch equals1 foot.
A 3-inch tall doll would be the same as a 6-foot tall human and a 4-inch tree would be the same as a 8-foot real life tree.
A 3-inch tall doll would be the same as a 6-foot tall human and a 4-inch tree would be the same as a 8-foot real life tree.
1:48 scale The same is true when we’re cutting the size in half again.
A 1 ½ inch doll would be the same as a 6-foot tall human and a 2-inch tree would be the same as a 8-foot tall real life plant.
A 1 ½ inch doll would be the same as a 6-foot tall human and a 2-inch tree would be the same as a 8-foot tall real life plant.
1:12 is also known as “full scale” (1.12)
1:24 is also known as “half scale”(1.24)
1:48 is also known as “quarter scale”(1.48)
The 1:12 scale is the most popular scale for creating miniatures. with the largest amount of items produced by miniature manufacturers. However, 1.24 and 1.48 scales have become increasingly popular in recent years especially for hobbyist’s who do not have space to accommodate a large size model Dolls House. There is a now good selection of the smaller scale items which we have readily available making it easy for miniaturists to find and purchase items for smaller dolls houses.in furniture, accessories, wallpapers ranges etc.
Kit Assembly Guide
If you haven't built a dolls house kit before you are probably unsure what to expect.
Dolls house kits are supplied in a large box and cut into parts which need to be glued together and painted to create a finished dolls house. This guide is here to help anyone considering purchasing their first dolls house kit and also to provide some useful guidance and tips to help avoid common mistakes.
Materials & tools needed:
PVA wood glue/Sandpaper/Screwdriver/Sufficient working space
Tape measure & an extra pair of hands can be useful.
All of our dolls house kits come with instructions that highlight all of the parts you will be working with, you can then lay these out in an organized way to make it easier for you to find them. You should also check to ensure all parts are there and check to see if any parts are damaged before you start to piece your dolls house together..
We highly recommend that you assemble your doll's house without glue, you can assemble the doll's house making sure the parts are positioned correctly and fit together properly.
If you make a mistake you can easily fix it, you should follow the instructions provided with your kit to build your doll's house. Once you are happy with your dollhouse you can now glue this together, this process is mostly the same except PVA wood glue should be applied to the joint surfaces before locating each part. It is strongly recommended that ALL parts are assembled and correctly located and that the whole house sits flat and square during final assembly until the glue has dried.
If you make a mistake you can easily fix it, you should follow the instructions provided with your kit to build your doll's house. Once you are happy with your dollhouse you can now glue this together, this process is mostly the same except PVA wood glue should be applied to the joint surfaces before locating each part. It is strongly recommended that ALL parts are assembled and correctly located and that the whole house sits flat and square during final assembly until the glue has dried.
After the house has been built and the glue has completely dried the front opening panels can be attached using the hinges provided within the box.
Once these are added your house is ready!
Once these are added your house is ready!
Tools Guide
Tacky wax - tacky wax can be used for holding miniatures in place.
Tape measure A tape measure can be used for lots of different things such as measuring wallpaper/carpets.
Miniature Clamps These can be used for holiday things in place, why glue dries.
Sandpaper - This can be used for smoothing down surfaces.
Paintbrush - A paintbrush is essential to add colour to your minis, you can also use a paintbrush to decorate your doll's house.
Craft knife A craft knife can be used for lots of different things, such as cutting paper, cardboard, and carpet.
Lighting Your Dolls House
Battery Lighting Guide - LED battery lighting is a popular option for dollhouses that have already been built and decorated, smaller houses or projects that may not be able to be wired or it may be that you would like to change the decoration of your house or move the lights into different positions.
LED single battery lights are manually switched on. When required you can change the battery by unscrewing the base of the lamp. The generic battery needed is a 377a button cell, it may change for different lights, please always check the battery code before purchasing replacements.
After you have chosen your style of light, checked its working, you are ready to position your light. Magnetic discs can be useful if you feel necessary to give a firmer hold to battery lights, pictures, or other miniatures in place. Glue one magnet to the wall or ceiling where you wish to attach your light or picture and glue the other magnet to the back of the light or picture. If you would like to move your light in the future, please keep in mind the type of glue you are using as when you come to remove the magnet it may damage your decoration.
We have an extensive selection of LED battery lights for you to choose from suitable for any room in your doll's house, from ceiling lights, wall lights, lamps, and other lights.
12 volt system - Electrical Lighting
Electric lighting is not as popular as once used to be with the advent of Battery Lighting and its advantages. If you choose electric lighting it will require running wires, please keep in mind where you will place them and how you will hide the wires which can be time consuming. Items required to begin electric lighting system are:
12v transformer power supply/A fused power socket strip/Power socket strip extensions if required
When purchasing your transformer, please note each transformer power supply will have a capacity on how many lights it will be able to light. There are different transformers for different plug outlets within the world, Don’t forget you will also require a power socket strip for you to plug into your lights,
Any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
Wallpapering Guide
You've picked your style and pattern, now it's time to cover your walls. Before you wallpaper your doll's house, you will need some tools and materials.
Our Wallpapers come in standard Wallpaper or Peel & Stick - the choice is yours.
Here is a list of what you will need
Wallpaper/Wallpaper paste/ PVA glue/Ruler/Sponge/Paintbrush/Craft knife/Scissors
Step 1
The walls must be clean, dry and smooth. If your dolls house has existing wallpaper, you may need to remove this to ensure a smooth surface for the new wallpaper.
The walls must be clean, dry and smooth. If your dolls house has existing wallpaper, you may need to remove this to ensure a smooth surface for the new wallpaper.
Step 2
Measuring and cutting the wallpaper, we recommend adding an extra 2 cm to your measurement to ensure you have enough wallpaper to cover the area.
Measuring and cutting the wallpaper, we recommend adding an extra 2 cm to your measurement to ensure you have enough wallpaper to cover the area.
Step 3
Start applying the wallpaper paste/glue onto the paper in a thin, even layer and allow it to fully soak for a non-wrinkle finish.
Start applying the wallpaper paste/glue onto the paper in a thin, even layer and allow it to fully soak for a non-wrinkle finish.
Step 4
Once the wallpaper is coated with the paste you can now apply this to your doll's house. Carefully position the wallpaper against the wall, double-checking the alignment. Once you're happy it is straight, use a brush or your finger to smooth it from the centre to the edges this smooths out any air bubbles and wrinkles.
Once the wallpaper is coated with the paste you can now apply this to your doll's house. Carefully position the wallpaper against the wall, double-checking the alignment. Once you're happy it is straight, use a brush or your finger to smooth it from the centre to the edges this smooths out any air bubbles and wrinkles.
Step 5
Use a craft knife to trim any excess wallpaper from the edges or corners if needed. Once the wallpaper is completely dry you can add furniture, decor and accessories to complete the look of your doll's house.
Use a craft knife to trim any excess wallpaper from the edges or corners if needed. Once the wallpaper is completely dry you can add furniture, decor and accessories to complete the look of your doll's house.